Sunday 22 November 2009

England Under Steam!

I've been worrying that my game might be too big for my goals of a game that I can play with my gaming group in an evening. With 11 companies, it would be towards the larger side of 18xx games, although not one of the few monster games such as 18C2C or 1825 with all units in play. Even if I can streamline the system a bit (and it remains to be seen whether I can achieve that), the game might take rather longer than I'd like. Bear in mind that my companions and I aren't the fastest players.

So in a fit of either madness or inspiration, I tried hacking off some of the map, on the assumption that the corresponding companies will also be removed. Scotland has been replaced by off-board areas, as has more of East Anglia. These changes remove the NBR, Caledonian and GER. The LSWR territory has gone too. The result is noticeably smaller, with just 52 playable hexes and 7 companies.

I'm quite taken with it. It might make more sense to keep 8 companies instead of 7, so that in a 4-player game, everyone can have the chance to run 2, but I think it'll be worth experimenting with the smaller version.

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