Saturday 8 March 2014

Putting the sparkle back

After more plays with the new finances, I have decided that the reduced income from cities has had a deleterious effect from the mid-game onwards.  It has tended to keep company income just a little too low for any companies to jump two spaces on the stock market, which in turn has made the companies slightly too similar and has slightly reduced the amount of cash going in company treasuries if they convert.  The cumulative effect was to make the game a bit flat, like drinking champagne without the bubbles.

So I have produced a new version that reinstates the previous income for the major cities (OO and OOO tiles) from the green phase onwards.  Initial tests seem to indicate that this has put the zing back into the game.  You'll need new versions of the map and tiles but the end result is worth it.

In other changes, I have changed some of the graphics to better distinguish the different types of tile.  I've also made most of the certificates the same size rathrer than the hotch-potch they were before.
  I've also removed a couple of minor rules that weren't adding much to the game, in order to keep the focus on the important aspects of the game.  These are all small changes which I think they will make the game easier to play.  But the important change is that those champagne bubbles are fizzing again.

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